Thursday, June 14, 2012


Dear Papa,

One trait of yours that I hope to adopt is the way you process information. Mama and I are instant responders, we reply as quickly as we can. We argue to learn- we test new arguments on each other, on you, on anybody who will listen to us.
You say very little, and think all the way through.
You do not need to test your arguments. When you make them, you are sure.
Of course, sometimes, you are wrong. (I think)
and there is no reasoning with you when you are. You've already done all the reasoning you're going to do.

You do that with everything, you know? Some things I would expect, but everything.
Our discussion in the grocery store yesterday, the difference between an action that simply warrants disapproval and one that harms society. Laws and rules and regulations, and the right way to make them.
You are looking for a rule, and equation, that works all the time, that caters to our beliefs.
Maybe there isn't one.
Maybe it's case by case.
But secretly, we both think there is some complicated code that would cover it all correctly.
We hunt for it when we're asleep, when we dream.
In real life, we are only tempted by problems we can't solve.
I failed a math test once, because I couldn't solve a problem
and the more time I spent on it
the more I felt like I should just finish it.
Because otherwise, all that time would be a waste.
You told me that that often happens,
in relationships, too.
You were right.

yr daughter

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